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PASS Data Community Summit 2024 Terms and Conditions ("Terms")

These Terms apply to any order placed through the Redgate ("we", "us" or "Redgate") registration portal (the "Portal") for tickets to the PASS Data Community Summit 2024 (the "Event").

Please read these Terms carefully before you submit your order. By clicking "I agree", you are confirming that you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not accept these Terms, you will not be able to purchase tickets for the Event.

Where you are purchasing tickets on behalf of a third party, you are responsible for their compliance with these Terms.

Part 1:

1. Personal Information:
1.1 General Privacy
1.1.1 General information about how Redgate handles personal information and an individual's rights in respect of their personal information is detailed in the Privacy Notice available at ("Privacy Notice").
1.1.2 Where you are buying tickets on behalf of someone else, you confirm that you have authority to use their personal information in accordance with these Terms.
1.2 Photographs and filming
1.2.1 Redgate may photograph and record the Event. Attendees may be included in photographs or recordings that will be used by Redgate (or by third parties working with or on behalf of Redgate) and agree that these can be used for the purposes of Redgate's internal and external promotional and publicity materials, including in any programmes, publications, websites, electronic publications, and social media content, for Redgate's legitimate business interests.
1.2.2 If approached by any photographers working at the Event for a photograph, attendees are free to decline to be photographed. If you have any concerns about recordings or photographs, please contact the Event organizers at
1.3 Event-specific provisions
1.3.1 In addition to the provisions of clause 1.1.1, attendees agree that to help Redgate manage the Event, to monitor its success and to help plan future events, Redgate may use personal information provided by attendees in connection with the Event for the purposes of:
  1. processing order details and payment including through our payment processor, and for general registration accommodation bookings, food and beverage provision and security related to the Event;
  2. requesting feedback on the Event; and
  3. monitoring levels of participation at the Event.
1.3.2 If during the order process an attendee has opted in, then solely with respect to the applicable provisions that they have opted into, Redgate may:
  1. share the attendee's personal information with sponsors; and/or
  2. use the attendee's personal information to send them information regarding activities, courses, seminars, and events organized by Redgate.
1.3.3 Attendees may select to share their personal information with specific sponsors, by enabling the sponsor to scan the QR code on their attendee badge at the event. In selecting to have their badge scanned, the attendee acknowledges that this is an express permission and overrides any opt outs selected during the registration process.
1.3.4 You acknowledge that we might have incidental access to personal information when pulling internal reports about the Event registration and attendance for internal and operational analysis. However, said personal information will be limited to non-sensitive information (mainly name and surname, job title and organization) and it will processed in accordance with our Privacy Notice, therefore the legal basis of our processing of personal information in this case is legitimate interest.

Part 2:

2. General Terms and Conditions:
2.1 Orders
2.1.1 By submitting an order, you confirm that you are at least 21 years of age. Further you confirm that each attendee will at least be 21 years of age on the first day of the Event.
2.1.2 Once your order has been confirmed by Redgate, you will not be entitled to cancel or receive a refund other than as provided in these Terms. Redgate at its sole discretion may cancel an order for any attendee at any time prior to the start of the Event and provide a full refund, if Redgate reasonably believes that the presence of such attendee would be prejudicial to the reputation of the Event or likely to lead to harm or damage to other attendees.
2.2 Payment and pricing
2.2.1 All prices quoted exclude applicable taxes which, if due, will be payable by you. You may incur additional charges for the use of credit cards from your provider and such charges are in addition to the advertised price. Prices may change from time to time, but this will not affect any order which has been confirmed prior to the change.
2.2.2 Full payment for admission to the Event must be received in cleared funds by Redgate or its payment processor before the Event commences. If you have purchased using a discount and/or complimentary code, and the conditions for the discount have not been met then Redgate reserves the right to refuse entry unless you pay the difference in ticket price at the prevailing rate. Redgate reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone from whom payment has not been received prior to the Event.
2.2.3 Payment can be made by credit card (or any other payment method permitted by the Portal). In all cases Redgate treats payment by card as confirmation that the individual placing the order is authorized to use such credit card and is over the age of 21 years.
2.2.4 Payments by credit card are processed immediately via our payment processor over a secure link. No card details are held by Redgate.
2.2.5 Attendees are responsible for ensuring that they have purchased the correct ticket for the Event. Redgate reserves the right to refuse entry if you do not have the applicable ticket.
2.3 Event Cancellation and Modifications
2.3.1 Redgate may cancel the Event by giving you notice in writing (whether by email or otherwise) for any reason at any time prior to the date of the Event.
2.3.2 If Redgate cancels the Event, other than due to reasons outside of its control, attendees will be entitled to choose either: (i) to receive a full refund of the price paid; or (ii) (subject to availability) to receive tickets to an alternative equivalent event operated by Redgate for the same registration type. You must notify Redgate in writing (, of your preferred option within fourteen (14) calendar days from you being notified by Redgate that the Event has been cancelled. If we do not hear from you in the specified time period, we will refund the sum due to you.
2.3.3 Except as provided herein, once the order is confirmed by Redgate, you have no rights to amend or cancel the order after August 30, 2024. All cancellation requests received by Redgate on or before August 30, 2024 are eligible for a refund, minus a 12.5% processing fee. For any approved modifications to bookings, Redgate reserves the right to charge you an administration fee in order to process the change.
2.3.4 Solely with respect to passes purchased for the Pre-Conference sessions, subject to availability, you will be able to request to change your selected session(s), provided that you submit your request no later than 10a.m. on the day of the relevant Pre-conference session.
2.3.5 If you would like to cancel or amend your order in accordance with these Terms, please contact Redgate (
2.4 Event Details
2.4.1 Redgate will use its reasonable efforts to ensure that the Event is delivered in all material respects as described in the Redgate marketing materials for the Event. However, Redgate will be entitled to make variations to the speakers, content, and delivery of the Event where those variations do not materially alter the Event.
2.4.2 Redgate does not guarantee that you will obtain any particular result from your participation in or attendance at the Event.
2.5 On-Demand Access
2.5.1 On-Demand access for non-attendees:
  1. Redgate will provide non-attendees with on-demand access to General Session recordings only for the Event. In-person access to the PASS Data Summit 2024 is expressly excluded from this ticket type.
  2. On-Demand access tickets are non-transferrable and non-refundable.
2.5.2 On-Demand access for general attendees:
  1. Pre-conference sessions at the Event will not be recorded, and as such these sessions will not be available to watch on-demand. Therefore, on-demand access will include recordings to general sessions taking place between 06 November 2024 and 08 November 2024.
  2. While Redgate endeavors to ensure that all general sessions are recorded and are available to watch on-demand, we cannot guarantee that access will be free from technical or operational issues which may prevent a session from being recorded or uploaded to the on-demand online platform (the "Online Platform") successfully, among others. The Online Platform itself may also be subject to technical or operational issues which may prevent access to the Online Platform and/or to certain materials. The Online Platform, materials, and access in general is provided on an "as is" basis, therefore Redgate expressly exclude any representations and warranties related thereto.
  3. You acknowledge that all session recordings need to be processed and edited post Event, therefore the final edited recordings will be made available for on-demand viewing once this process has been completed.
2.6 Code of Conduct
2.6.1 Redgate seeks to ensure equal opportunities for all individuals. All individuals attending the Event must comply with Redgate's Code of Conduct:
2.6.2 All attendees must at all times behave with honesty, integrity and show courtesy, consideration and respect to others when attending the Event (including use of any chat service made available via the Online Platform).
2.6.3 Redgate reserves the right to discontinue attendance or refuse admission to any attendee if their behavior is considered disruptive, likely to cause damage, nuisance, offense, or injury, is in breach of venue rules and regulations, the Terms, or is otherwise unacceptable. Redgate may on occasion have to conduct security searches to ensure the safety of delegates, and/or the Event venue (and you hereby consent to this). The unauthorized use of photographic and recording equipment is prohibited. You agree that you shall not bring to the Event any article of a flammable nature, explosives, firearms, illegal substances, or other articles of a dangerous or damaging nature. Redgate shall not be obligated to provide any refund to any attendees who are refused entry in accordance with the provisions of these Terms.
2.7 Health and Safety and Disabilities
2.7.1 In order to ensure everyone's safety at the Event, if applicable and if or when still in force, all attendees will be required to comply with all current and applicable health and safety provisions, including those required under the King County Health Order, and the CDC provisions relating to any pandemic and similar events and any other provisions implemented by Redgate at its discretion.
2.7.2 If you have a disability or special need, provided that we are informed with reasonable notice Redgate will make reasonable adjustments where possible to provide you as much as possible with the same experience of the Event as a person without a disability or special need. Please provide Redgate with details of any disability and special needs by emailing, as soon as possible.
2.8 Intellectual Property
2.8.1 The copyright and all other intellectual property rights in all information, data or materials presented at the Event ("Materials") shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Redgate and/or its licensors. Attendees agree that they will not copy or permit the copying of the Materials or distribute them to any third parties without express consent of Redgate.
2.8.2 Redgate grants to each attendee a non-exclusive royalty-free license to use the Materials for the purposes of personal study and research in relation to the Event but not for commercial purposes.
2.8.3 Where any information is marked as confidential attendee will respect the confidentiality of such information. Attendees will also comply with all applicable data protection laws in relation to any personal information obtained at the Event.
2.9 Liability
2.9.1 Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Redgate's liability for death and/or personal injury caused by the negligence of Redgate or any of its employees, agents or subcontractors, for fraudulent misrepresentation and any other liabilities which cannot as a matter of law be limited and/or excluded.
2.9.2 Subject to clause 2.9.1, Redgate does not accept responsibility and expressly excludes liability for any loss or damage to any property belonging to you that occurs during your attendance at the Event.
2.9.3 Redgate cannot guarantee that your use of the Online Platform will be free from error and/or uninterrupted.
2.9.4 Subject to clause 2.9.1, Redgate shall not under any circumstances whatever be liable to you (whether for breach of contract, negligence, breach of statutory duty or otherwise) for any indirect, special, or consequential losses including, loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption or loss of business opportunity.
2.9.5 Subject to clause 2.9.1, Redgate's liability to each attendee in connection with the Terms and the Event will be limited to the price paid by the attendee for their ticket(s).
2.10 Non-solicitation
2.10.1 Solicitation at the Event by non-exhibitors is strictly prohibited. Attendees shall not be permitted to approach other attendees or exhibitors in the exhibit hall or on the grounds of the conference venue for the purpose of offering to sell, demonstrate, or show products or services. Attendees will not distribute product samples, brochures, marketing materials, videos, presentations, or any other representation of items or services for sale, for the purpose of displaying, showing, or selling to an attendee or exhibitor. This does not include the exchange of business cards through the course of normal networking.
2.11 Wi-Fi and Telecommunications
2.11.1 Where internet connectivity is provided, Redgate shall not be responsible for any loss of data and Redgate provides no guarantees as to the performance of the connection. Attendees shall be responsible for ensuring that any devices that they connect are fully protected with the latest virus software and will not intentionally introduce any viruses to the network.
2.12 Online Platform Networking
2.12.1 Our Online Platform will also support networking between attendees. For the Event to function effectively your participation may be visible on the Online Platform and other attendees may be able to search and contact you via the Online Platform. We confirm that, unless you expressly opt-in, your Event networking profile will not be made visible on the Online Platform. Finally, you can also control what information is available in your Event networking profile.
2.13 Other
2.13.1 Redgate may assign or delegate its obligations under the Terms (in whole or in part), or subcontract or delegate the delivery of the Event in any manner at its sole discretion to: (i) any separate entity controlled by Redgate or otherwise forming a part of the Redgate group of entities; or (ii) any provider of outsourcing or third party services that is engaged under a service contract to provide services to Redgate.
2.13.2 If Redgate delays in taking steps against you in respect of you breaching these Terms, Redgate is not waiving its rights to enforce them against you in the future and this will not mean that you do not have to do those things or that Redgate will be prevented from taking steps against you at a later date.
2.13.3 Each of the clauses of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining clauses will remain in full force and effect. Redgate reserves the right to update these Terms at any time. All updates will be posted to the Event website and online registration form.
2.13.4 These Terms including their interpretation shall be subject to the laws of England. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms or their subject matter shall be subject to the non-exclusive courts of England.
2.13.5 You acknowledge that these Terms might be changed and updated from time to time by us.
2.13.6 Attendees arriving from outside of the United States may require a letter of invitation to enter the United States. If you require a letter of invitation, please contact and we will be happy to assist. International visitors are responsible for ensuring they have the appropriate entry requirements to the United States, including any additional measures required relating to any pandemic if applicable and when or if still in force.
2.13.7 Redgate hopes to make your experience of dealing with Redgate an excellent one and welcomes your comments, suggestions and details of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. If you have any comments or complaints in relation to the Terms, please contact Redgate at for information on its complaints procedure.
2.13.8 Redgate may contact you or provide a notice referred to in these Terms through the Online Platform or by sending you an email to the nominated email address provided by you during the order process.
2.13.9 If you have any questions, comments, or enquiries about the Event, please contact Redgate by emailing

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